Age of Empires II: Age of Kings
Play Age of Empires II online for free at Voobly. Voobly has released a free and powerful patch for download called Age of Empires II 3.0 that includes HD resolution support, the only anti-cheat for Empires II, and many more features!

Age of Empires II (AOE2) is the first sequel to the original game known as Age of Empires. The game was created in 1999 and was the dawn of a new era for gamers. Age of Empires II multiplayer has been played online for over 10 years between MSN Zone, IGZones, and Voobly. Voobly also supports Age of Empires II Expansion called Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. Both games still have many online players. New players are discovering about Age of Empires II multiplayer on Voobly everyday.
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